Using Prompts as Criteria
Oct. 29, 2010 by Carolyn Pike
This article highlights the use of runtime prompts when creating criteria in Query. One key benefit of prompts is that when you run the query, you can change the criteria as necessary, in various combinations as required, to achieve the desired results.
An excerpt from PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Query explains the use of prompts as follows:
Adding a prompt lets you further refine a query when you run it… When you run a query with a prompt, a prompt page requests the required value. All date, time and datetime prompt fields are required fields when running Query. Enter the value into the field. The query uses the value that you enter as the comparison value for the criterion that included the prompt. If the field for which you are prompting has an associated prompt table (even if it is the Translate table), the Edit Table drop-down list box shows its name.
If you have never worked with prompts, you can start by reviewing Lesson 9: Adding Runtime Prompts to a Query in Intro to PS Query – I and II.
One method of working with prompts that increases your flexibility even more is to incorporate a wild card into your prompt. A wildcard enables the user to return some or all data for a specified criterion. A demonstration of using wildcard can be found in Using a Wildcard for Prompt Criteria.
Other places to read about prompts can be found on the Prompts in Query page.