When you are entering or searching for data in PeopleSoft, you can make the process somewhat easier by utilizing User Defaults. User Default settings help you to work more quickly and efficiently because they reduce the amount of repetitive data entry you have to do.
The system automatically loads default values into data pages for a particular user ID. The user default settings that you establish in the User Defaults component can be overridden on any page in the system. User defaults can save time and minimize data entry errors.
You need to be familiar with the pages and fields that default settings affect before you specify defaults. For example, you may want to set defaults of Academic Career, Term or Academic Program. Consult with others in your office as to how to best use this feature. The two pages that apply to most users (and in particular to users of Service Indicators) are User Defaults 1 and User Defaults 2.
Navigation: To add or change defaults the navigation is Main Menu > Set Up SACR > User Defaults.
Service Indicators:
Note that if you set or release Service Indicators, you must have certain User Defaults set in order to successfully complete the process. In the examples below, the fields on the pages User Defaults 1 and User Defaults 2 that are set with “WSLYN” are those that are needed in order to employ Service Indicators processes.