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Category Archive for 'Demonstrations and presentations'

The following are links to important information to assist you with the essentials of working with SFIS (Student Faculty Information System), Wesleyan’s comprehensive system to support student service offices.  SFIS is the primary system for the Admission, Registrar, Dean’s, Academic Affairs, Student Accounts, Graduate Liberal Studies, Public Safety, Residential Life, Wesleyan Station and the Graduate […]

  If you enter the word “date” or the phrases “effective date” or “effective dating” in the Search box over to the right, you will receive a number of hits. This is because dates are an important element when entering information into the pages in SFIS and when extracting information through Query. The concept of […]

Welcome to the SFIS Blog! This blog has been created as a place to contain a variety of information to be utilized by SFIS users. Included are documentation, instructions, tips, tools, and references for PeopleSoft in general and for features unique to Wesleyan’s system. In addition, the blog will provide a means of letting users […]

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