Some recent updates from HEUG: HEUG Monthly Newsletter – January 2017 (available monthly in your email box once you become a member) The HEUG Membership Program Read the latest information on the upcoming Alliance 2017 in Las Vegas, February 27 – March 2, 2017 HEUG Education Series Query Manager 101 – Basics, Tips and Tricks- […]
You will find updated documentation on configuring web browser settings to aid in your work with PeopleSoft by going to the Web Browsers and PeopleSoft page. The browsers reviewed are Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome. Shown in detail, with screenshots, there is setup information about clearing each browser’s cache and how to allow popup menus. […]
Posted in BI Publisher, Blog Tips, Campus Solutions Basics, Comm Gen, Data Entry, Demonstrations and presentations, Query - Advanced, Query - Getting Started, Uncategorized, Version 9.0, Webinars on Aug. 18, 2016 by Carolyn Pike
If you’d like to do some research on the HEUG website, here is a link that will take you directly to the HEUG search page (after you log in): HEUG Search Page. You can use the radio buttons and drop down boxes to narrow or expand your search; for example, you might start with the […]
There are newly available PeopleSoft presentations from HEUG (Higher Education User Group). If you are not familiar with HEUG, it “is an international organization consisting of Higher Education institutions that use application software from the Oracle Corporation” [including PeopleSoft Campus Solutions]. Wesleyan University is an institutional member which permits you certain benefits. Among […]